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Mr. Georges BOSSOUS, JR. is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Health from Walden University. He is a graduate of Barry University with a Master’s of Science degree in Psychology. He is currently the Executive Director/CEO of Word and Action, Inc. and the County Director for the Democratic Haitian American Caucus of Florida.


La Rubrique Hebdomadaire, Opinion

House of Representative_edited.jpg

“OPINON” – A special segment of socio-political analysis addressing the most pressing issues pertaining to our community presented every Wednesday by  Georges Bossous, Jr. Some of our topics include education, mental health, public health, child development, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, parenting, juvenile delinquency, cultural identity, history, literature, leadership, politics, public policies, immigration and more. This segment is hosted by Georges Bossous, Jr and produced by Imaginary Media Productions.  Feel free to send us your suggestions and thoughts via: gbossous@.coeurfm.



"OPINON" - Un segment spécial d'analyse sociopolitique traitant des questions urgentes concernant notre communauté sera présenté chaque mercredi par Georges Bossous, Jr. Certains de nos sujets incluent l'éducation, la santé mentale, la santé publique, le développement de l'enfant, l'abus sexuel des enfants, traite des êtres humains, violence domestique, abus et négligence envers les enfants, rôle parental, délinquance juvénile, identité culturelle, histoire, littérature, leadership, politique, politiques publiques, immigration, etc. Ce segment est une production de "Imaginart Media Production," présenté par Georges Bossous. Jr. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos suggestions et réflexions via:

17 octobre 2018, HAITI

Ecoute/ Listen 

17 Octobre 2018 en Haiti - Georges Bossous, Jr.
00:00 / 00:00

La Reaction de Tucker Carlson de Fox News Contre Jean Jacques Dessalines

Reponse a Tucker Carlson - Georges Bossous, Jr.
00:00 / 00:00
Kot Kob PetroCaribe A - Georges Bossous, Jr.
00:00 / 00:00
Restavek en Haiti-Part IGeorges Bossous, Jr.
Restavek en Haiti-Part IIGeorges Bossous, Jr.
Restavek en Haiti-Part IIIGeorges Bossous, Jr.


Lèa rive, se pou pale

Bondye dakò, ou mèt pale



Pou demanti tout vye koze

Pou demaske tout move je



Ratibwaze tout sa kap touye

Jouke bourik lanmò sa ki byen chaje



Wa di vye frè’n Toussaint, kè’n sere, nou pa sa manje

Wa di mèt Jean Jacques, tonèl pran dife, Ayiti fin boule

Wa di Jacques Stephène Alexis, mayi gate, pwazon nan kafe


Fòk ou pale

De pye’n mare, nou tout mele

Pawòl sa fèt pou pale

Pou sa sove sa yo ki ponkò antere


Ou dwe pale

Pou siye dlo nan tout je

Menm nan je papa Bondye


Li lè,li tan pou sa pale

Yo mennen’ n kay rakonte,

Nou tout te gentan kondane


Ou pa sa ret bèbè

Ou pa te fèt  tou bèbè

Nou konnen tout sa ki te pase

Nou konpran-n sa’k fèou vle ret bouch be


Yo di zetwal lespwa file

Li file l’ale, l’al poze bò pye papa Bondye

Sa bay maleng nan kè

De je’n pete, nou pa sa wè klè


Zantray nou ape rache, kè nou kreve, fyèl nou pete

Li lè atò pou’n soulaje

Sa fè trò lontan bouch nou mare

Yo di bon-nanj zansèt nou yo se bon pwotektè


Pèson-n pa sa fè’w pè

Pèson’n pa sa fè’w sispan-n pale

Pawòl ou va kraze lanmizè,

La libere tout sa kap viv anba chen-n lanfè


Bèbè pale, nape koute


-Georges Bossous Jr. 

© 11-04-2001-All right reserved

Georges Bossous, Jr. was one of the Special Guests of Haiti Journal on PBS 2

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Meet & Great 


Throughout his career as the publisher of his own online magazines (i.e., Unveil Magazine and Coeur FM) as well as a writer, Georges Bossous, Jr. has met and interviewed many celebrities and iconic figures. Here are some of his pictures taken with some of those personalities. 

With Hon., Michael Jean, former Governor General of Canada

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